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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Electronica Bands

Ok During this post I will create a Top 10 list of my personal favorite Electronica Bands. If I end up blogging a lot then I might do a Top 10 (Metal Bands, Albulms, Pop Songs, 60's bands etc) every week
1. The Glitch Mob- They are amazing. listen to Aminus Vox or Bad Wings Next time your on youtube.

2.Scrillex- Dirty Dubstep at its best. I suggest any song on Android Porn

3.DeadMau5- Kind of main stream but still incredible. If you haven't heard of him check out Ghosts and Stuff
4. The Knife- A older Band but still amazing. Check out Forest Families or We Drink to are Mothers Health
5. Daft Punk- Too pop for me but still amazing. Check out Harder, Stronger Better, Faster

6. MGMT- Indie Trance at its best. I defininatly suggest the song Kids

7. KraftWerk- Again old but still brilliant. Check out the albulm Autobahn

8. Kraddy- Used to be a member of The Glitch Mob. Amazing DJ
I can't think of any more but I will edit this post when I do

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